• Style Lockdown

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Style Lockdown

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It's time to kick things up a notch and get back into action. Why step out when you can learn from your favourite instructors, right in the safety of your home?

SHIAMAK presents Style Lockdown - online dance classes for ages 4 to 84!

Get the complete SHIAMAK experience on your screen and learn some cool new moves.



Course details -



8 power-packed classes | 8 exciting dance styles | 8 expert instructors - all in 2 weeks!

Streaming live on Zoom, 13th June onwards.

Register now on www.bit.ly/style-lockdown


For more details, refer to the schedule below.


Day Children Juniors Adults - Beginners Adults - Advance
(5 to 5:45 pm) (5 to 5:45 pm) (5:45 to 7 pm) (7:15 to 8:30 pm)
Sat, 13th June Susmita / Tuhin Shivani Jha / Miral Punnujeet / Nikhil- Bhangra Swag Amit / Akshay - Contemporary
Mon, 15th June Neharika / Yash P Tithi / Steve  Miral / Vikas - Bollywood Aneesha / Shreya Rao- Swag Jazz
Wed, 17th June Sai / Susmita Shreya Jadhav / Tuhin Lavina / Prerna Vij  - Semi Classical (open class) Pra / Vikas - Hip Hop
Fri, 19th June Prerna Jain / Miral Ananya / Vikram Puneet / Pankaj - Shiamak Style Upasana / Kratika - Sassy Hop
Sun, 21st June Prerna Vij / Manish Ushashree / Alene Upasana / Kratika- Sassy Hop Puneet / Pankaj - Shiamak Style
Tue, 23rd June Shivani Jha / Vishu Neharika / Miral Pra / Vinayak- Hip Hop Lavina / Sakshi - Semi Classical (open class)
Thu, 25th June Manish / Alene Sai / Ushashree Aneesha / Shivani B- Swag Jazz Miral / Akshay- Bollywood
Sat, 27th June Ananya / Susmita Prerna Jain / Vikas Amit / Manish - Contemporary Punnujeet / Sakshi - Bhangra Swag